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Brewing equipment, canning line, forklift, compressor, etc.
Venue address
Unit 19,
Easter Park,
Benyon Road,
RG7 2PQ.
United Kingdom
Brewing equipment, canning line, forklift, compressor, etc.

By order of the directors of Wild Weather Ales Ltd

Auction dates
Starts: Jan 17, 2024 08:50 AM GMT
Ends from: Feb 15, 2024 03:00 PM GMT
Viewing dates
Feb 13, 2024 10:00 AM - 04:00 PM GMT
Auction currency
Collection in person
Tuesday 20th & Wednesday 21st February 2024
between 10:00am and 4:00pm
Other payment methods
There are 58 lots within this auction
Primary Category
Item Type
Sorted by
We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
Timber clad jacketed kettle
ABAC Dry 25 Air dryer 2016
Kindemann H10 Mobile pallet stacker
Filton Pedestrian lift truck
Pallet truck
Lot 24
Pallet truck
Lot 25
Pallet truck
Lot 26
Sack truck and gas bottle trolley
Genfrost Twin glass door bottle chiller
Timber cask
Lot 29
Timber cask
Lot 30
Timber cask
Lot 31
Timber cask
Lot 32
12 black steel frame chairs
11 black steel frame chairs
24 black steel frame stools
24 black steel frame stools
3 steel frame timber topped rectangular tables
6 folding plastic tables
3 collapsible plastic tables
3 collapsible gazebos
Assorted steel cask stand components
Lyte 6 tread A frame ladder
Lyte 6 tread A frame ladder
Bay of adjustable pallet racking,
15 boxes of assorted glassware
8 boxes of Pastal Lawrence tumblers (branded)
Space heater, oil filled radiator, 2 steps etc
Approx 220 plastic casks
Sharp 55
Lot 56
Pioneer LED display board
2 office swivel chairs