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Extensive Range of Engineering, Cutting & Carbide Tooling, Machine, Metrology, Inspection & Storage Equipment, Hand Tools etc.
Venue address
Unit R6
Marshall Way
Commerce Park
Frome, Somerset
BA11 2FE
United Kingdom
Extensive Range of Engineering, Cutting & Carbide Tooling, Machine, Metrology, Inspection & Storage Equipment, Hand Tools etc.

On the instructions of a private client

Auction dates
Starts: Apr 11, 2024 10:45 AM BST
Ends from: May 01, 2024 03:00 PM BST
Viewing dates
Apr 30, 2024 10:00 AM - 04:00 PM BST
Auction currency
Collection in Person
Tuesday 7th and Wednesday 8th May 2024, 9am-4pm
No further access is available after this time
Other payment methods
There are 350 lots within this auction
Primary Category
Item Type
Sorted by
We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
Myford ML7 Lathe
Ajax Floor standing pillar drill
Norton Fly press 5s
Marlco Broaching press on stand
Clarke SBR610 Metalworker on bench
Alexander 2CG Cutter grinder
Perform CCRDFS 5 Speed Pillar Drill
Transwave Rotary phase converter
Work bench with vice
Vidmar Multi-drawer cabinet (14 drawer)
Vidmar Multi-drawer cabinet (12 drawer)
Mobile work trolley
Metal 2-door cupboard
Metal 2-door cupboard
Dura Black mobile work trolley
Mobile work trolley with drawer
Double sided Tool holder trolley
Pallet truck
Lot 18
Bisley cabinet
One bay of racking
Mobile high lift trolley
Lot 22
Bench shear
Lot 23
Thomas 200 chop saw
Qty CAT40 tooling
Qty CAT40 collet chucks
Qty CAT40 tooling
Pull studs 120-off
25mm end mills,unused
25mm slot drills, unused
Slot drills, unused
8mm Ripper cutters, unused
Carbide cutters unused
Lot 34
Carbide flute milling cutters
Angular milling cutters
Ball nosed milling cutters
Milling cutters
Four sets of drills
Carbide drill tips
Qty U Drills
Lot 41
Qty U Drills and tips
Qty U Drills and tips
Qty U Drills and tips
U Drill and tips
Qty U Drills
Lot 46
Counter boring and chamfer tools
Straight shank reamers
David brown adjustable reamers
Box of adjustable reamers
Large adjustable reamers
Morse taper shank reamers
Morse taper shank reamers
Morse taper shank reamers
Multi-flute drills
5 Large drills ( No.5MT.)
Morse taper shank drill long series
No 4 MT Drills
No 4 MT Drills
Morse taper shank drills metric