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Mini Digger, Trailers, Commercial Vehicles, Forklifts, Woodworking & Engineering Equipment, Pouch Line, Slitting Machine, Power Tools, etc
Venue address
Stoneford Farm,
Steamalong Road,
Isle Abbotts, Nr Taunton,, Somerset
United Kingdom
Mini Digger, Trailers, Commercial Vehicles, Forklifts, Woodworking & Engineering Equipment, Pouch Line, Slitting Machine, Power Tools, etc

By order of Various Insolvency Practitioners

Auction dates
Starts: May 03, 2024 10:00 AM BST
Ends from: Jun 05, 2024 03:00 PM BST
Viewing dates
Jun 04, 2024 10:00 AM - 04:00 PM BST
Auction currency
Collection in person
Tuesday 11th to Thursday 13th June 2024, 9am -4pm
Excluding Weekends
Other payment methods
There are 405 lots within this auction
Primary Category
Item Type
Sorted by
We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
Assorted drill bits
Master lockout kit
Yale Smart Living pet friendly intruder alarm kit plus
Reeled tester cable
Miscellaneous lot to include tape, sander, junction boxes, rawl plugs etc
Miscellaneous lot to include socket fronts, wall plugs, outside lantern lights etc
Electricians rod set
Quantity of assorted reeled electrical cable, cable holder etc
Super Rod Super Cam V6 wireless inspection camera
Rolec J1772 type 1 EV car charger
Vax Home Master S6 steamer, 240v
Typical GC6730A flat bed sewing machine, 240v
Pfaff 1163 HVP-N PH.1 flat bed sewing machine
Highlead GC0618-1-SC flat bed sewing machine, 240v
Brother Industries Ltd B755-MKIII flat bed sewing machine, 240v
ZOJE ZJ893-4-1314 3 spool overlocker, 240v
Juki DU-1181 Needle lockstitch walking foot sewing machine (2019)
Wimsew W-3300-1 Walking foot sewing machine
Seiko LCW-8BL-1 Needle feed walking footsewing machine
Wimsew W-0618 Needle feed walking footsewing machine
Zoje ZJ1900DHS-C Bartack walking foot sewing machine
Brother LT2-B832-3 Twin needle walking foot sewing machine
Yamoto AZ Over lock stitching machine
SAIOI SA-9881 Computer kietronic cutting machine
Ferrex Tiger 20005 Wet stone sharpening grinder
4 assorted electric heaters, 240v
Eiger oscillating tower fan & 2 desktop fans
Fine Elements ES1272 Utility heater, 3kw, 240v
Pop up gazebo & folding metal frame, adjustable trestle
6 boxes of Unifrax Insulfrax LTX blankets, 4 x various rolls of filter
Miscellaneous lot including various reels of webbing, buckles, etc (excluding cage)
Quantity of assorted size zipped bags and assorted tarpaulin, etc. (excluding cage)
Micro Pneumatics VB1 vertical micro louvre cutter
UK Press HPC480 bench top professional heat press, 240v (2019)
12 x boxes of upholstery tassel trim, various colours, fine style
10 x boxes of various sizes/ colour eyelets
10 x various size net curtain to include 63
18 x various size net curtain to include 90
8 x various size net curtain to include 42
11 x various size net curtain to include 48
1 x box mixed tassel fringe, various colours and sizes
1 x box mixed tassel fringe, various colours and sizes
1 x box mixed tassel fringe, various colours and sizes
1 x box mixed tassel fringe, various colours and sizes
1 x box mixed trim/braid edging rope
1 x box mixed assorted size and colour zips
3 x various size wicker baskets and ornamental tin trough
4 x boxes of various blind cord
4 x boxes of various blind cord