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Mini Digger, Trailers, Commercial Vehicles, Forklifts, Woodworking & Engineering Equipment, Pouch Line, Slitting Machine, Power Tools, etc
Venue address
Stoneford Farm,
Steamalong Road,
Isle Abbotts, Nr Taunton,, Somerset
United Kingdom
Mini Digger, Trailers, Commercial Vehicles, Forklifts, Woodworking & Engineering Equipment, Pouch Line, Slitting Machine, Power Tools, etc

By order of Various Insolvency Practitioners

Auction dates
Starts: May 03, 2024 10:00 AM BST
Ends from: Jun 05, 2024 03:00 PM BST
Viewing dates
Jun 04, 2024 10:00 AM - 04:00 PM BST
Auction currency
Collection in person
Tuesday 11th to Thursday 13th June 2024, 9am -4pm
Excluding Weekends
Other payment methods
There are 405 lots within this auction
Primary Category
Item Type
Sorted by
We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
Unbranded mobile paint sprayer
Three wheeled drying racks (racks only)
Three wheeled drying racks (racks only)
One large wooden framed low work table (table only)
Five workbenches
Three assorted workbenches
Large metal chemical store cabinet, with both doors
Jet JSG96-102E Sanding station 240v (2013)
Two wooden workbenches and three wooden cabinets
Wooden workbench with 2 fitted vices, 1 wooden cupboard
Wooden framed workbench with shelving
Wooden framed workbench with centre cupboard
Three workbenches
Three metal framed boltless adjustable racks
Metal boltless adjustable rack
Metal boltless adjustable rack
Metal boltless adjustable rack
Metal framed, 16 shelf adjustable rack
Contents of room to include rubber belts, air pipes,
Two wooden desks (desks only)
Wooden 'L' shape desk and 2 storage cabinets
Three metal boltless adjustable racks
Two wooden desks (1 big, 1 small)
Two desks
Lot 381
Three desks
Lot 382
HP Designjet 510 Plan printer, 240v
Dynamic 165 Cement mixer, 110v on welded cage
Approx 200 various size & condition cement moulds
Various sized electrical cabinets x 3 (no keys)
Assorted 'Fire Exit' emergency signage
GE Lighting Ltd C1 & C5 Assorted quantity of various lights
type H & type HE Assorted quantity of various civic lights
GE Lighting Ltd C1 & C5 Assorted quantity of various lights
Reggiam Assorted quantity of various lights
Assorted sized part reels of assorted cabling
Amorgard OxBox Storage chest & conents
Part pallet of various electrical sundries
Part pallet of various electrical sundries
Assorted quantity of square metal ducting
Assorted quantity of round metal ducting
Assorted quantity of round plastic ducting
Rhino Safe Slow 3 Scaffold work platform