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Stone Cutting, Metalworking, Woodworking & Factory Equipment, Forklifts, Yard Crane, Batching Plant, Trailers, Etc
Venue address
The Marble Mosaic Company Limited,
Winterstoke Road,
BS23 3YE
United Kingdom
Stone Cutting, Metalworking, Woodworking & Factory Equipment, Forklifts, Yard Crane, Batching Plant, Trailers, Etc

By Order of Steve Henson & Adam Buck of Castle Hill Insolvency, Joint Administrator of The Marble Mosaic Company Limited

Auction dates
Starts: Dec 12, 2024 02:00 PM GMT
Ends from: Jan 29, 2025 03:00 PM GMT
Viewing dates
Jan 28, 2025 10:00 AM - 04:00 PM GMT
Auction currency
Collection in person
Monday 3rd to Friday 7th February 2025
between, 9:00am and 4:00pm
Other payment methods
There are 499 lots within this auction
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We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
This lot is for informative purposes only.
Macrist MF104 21/06 pillar drill, 110v
Teka TP2 500 mixer with Teka Bebbo skip hoist & controls
Secatol 800L lift hopper, SWL 1920kg
Un-named lift hopper, SWL 2.2t
Un-named lift hopper, SWL 2.2t
Receiver mounted air compressor with tyre inflator
Charnwood W590 planer/thicknesser, 12
Wadkin Bursgreen crosscut saw mounted on metal frame
Un-named twin bag dust extractor system
La Roche 5599LR990A bar bending machine
La Roche 3615 LR990A bar bending machine
La Roche LR990A 4125 bar bending machines
La Roche LR990A 4125 bar bending machines
La Roche 5269LR980ASH bar bending and cutting machine
Fobco pillar drill - spares or repairs
Record Power RSBG8 double ended bench top grinder, 240v
Un-named petrol pressure washer with Honda 5.5hp and lance
Un-named 3 phase pressure washer with lance
Master portable diesel space heater, 110v
Master portable diesel space heater, 110v
Master portable diesel space heater, 110v
Master portable diesel space heater, 110v
Master portable diesel space heater, 110v