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Stone Cutting, Metalworking, Woodworking & Factory Equipment, Forklifts, Yard Crane, Batching Plant, Trailers, Etc
Venue address
The Marble Mosaic Company Limited,
Winterstoke Road,
BS23 3YE
United Kingdom
Stone Cutting, Metalworking, Woodworking & Factory Equipment, Forklifts, Yard Crane, Batching Plant, Trailers, Etc

By Order of Steve Henson & Adam Buck of Castle Hill Insolvency, Joint Administrator of The Marble Mosaic Company Limited

Auction dates
Starts: Dec 12, 2024 02:00 PM GMT
Ends from: Jan 29, 2025 03:00 PM GMT
Viewing dates
Jan 28, 2025 10:00 AM - 04:00 PM GMT
Auction currency
Collection in person
Monday 3rd to Friday 7th February 2025
between, 9:00am and 4:00pm
Other payment methods
We found 61 items matching your search
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We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
Leica TCR110 laser level with case & tripod
Titan TTL 530GBC petrol strimmer
Quantity of assorted size sockets
Quantity of assorted hammers
Quantity of assorted adjustable spanners & spanner
Quantity of assorted gauging trowels
Quantity of assorted scrapper & filling knives
Quantity of various size tape measures
Quantity of assorted wire cutters
Quantity of various hand saws
Five various tool boxes
Ten various tool boxes
Aluminium double extension ladder
Youngman aluminium double extension ladder
Three various site ladders, 11 tread
Aluminium ladder, 16 tread
Aluminium double extension ladder
Youngman aluminium vehicle access ladder, 6 tread
Youngman aluminium vehicle access ladder, 6 tread
Two shelves of various sandpaper
Four shelves of various size screws
Assorted M16 swivel sockets, horseshoe shims, etc.
Faithfull pointing & gun kit
Four pairs of safety Wellington boots, sizes 13, 11, 8, 6
Eight pallets of Rodruza Arctic White Brick
Eight pallets of Rodruza Arctic White Brick
Three pallets of Weinerberger Smoked Branco Bricks
One full and one part pallet of Marziale bricks
Eight pallets of selected dark bricks
Six pallets of selected light bricks
Two part pallets of concrete blocks
Approx 2 ton 10-6mm Cotswold gravel
Approx 20 ton Cotswold sand
Approx 15 ton 10mm-12mm Derbyshire aggregate
Approx 30 ton Derbyshire limestone, 10mm
Approx 50 ton of assorted aggregate
Approx 10 ton of Cornish granite sand
Approx 30 ton of black basalt aggregate
Approx 5 ton of hardened red sand
Approx 2 ton of hardened red aggregate
Approx 5 ton of assorted sand